Saturday, September 20, 2008

DCML Explained - Part 8: Actually I'm with Her

Ever been invited out, and your date ends up hanging all over another person all night? Yeah, I haven't either, until this date. It gets worse, too.

You invite me to hangout and end up being with another girl all night.

Mitchell (name changed to protect the asshole) and I talked sporadically. In fact, when Mitchell first contacted me on MySpace, I blew him off telling him I wouldn't date a smoker. I looked at his page, however. His background was laced with silhouettes of naked women and his top friends looked like the "models" that Friend Request you, then try to get you to buy some ringtones. Needless to say, I forgot about Mitchell.

A few weeks later he contacted me again. I realized he had some similar music interests as me, so, despite my better judgment, I shrugged off a few details I usually don't ignore in potential dates, and let him contact me.

Surprisingly, we're both pretty strong assertive personalities and we ended up having playful, insulting, and very compatible conversations. I always hung up the phone with a big grin on my face.

Mitchell and I met up a few times at the gym. We didn't interact outside of the gym very often. Our schedules didn't mesh, and he wasn't reliable.

Finally, one day he suggested I come hang out with him and his friends at a local bar/club. I arrived about an hour after his other friends were there. I greeted them all and ended up dancing with the friends. Mitchell, however, kept disappearing. I finally spotted him at the dance floor. He was all over this girl. I was thinking, well maybe he knows her. He does seem to know a lot of people and is a bit flirt.

However, social Mitchell, the people's person, hardly leaves her side all night. I even viewed them kissing. I was getting fairly drunk as the night continued since people kept buying me drinks. Mitchell approached me.

Mitchell: I'm with her because I can't be with you now.
Mitchell then leans in and kisses my face.
Me [baffled and unreceptive]: What the hell are you talking about? What are you doing???
Mitchell [drunk and over-dramatically touching his heart with both hands]: I don't have it in my heart to give it up now. I'm still hurt from my last relationship. I can't give myself up with you now. With her it's different.
Me: WHAT? Um, we've hardly hung out. I'm not asking for a relationship with you now.
Mitchell: I know, I know. But I can't be involved like what you deserve now.
Me [eyes wide, confused and drunk]: Um... okay.

Mitchell then runs off to be with the girl for the rest of the night. I continue to hangout with his friends. So that's fairly bad right? Mitchell is hanging out, and making out, with this chick right in front of my face, despite inviting me out. Hold on. It gets worse.

By the time the bar was closing, I was in no condition to drive home. I may have been stupid for coming out to meet Mitchell, but not stupid enough, or ever, to drive intoxicated. Without a plan, and the bouncers pushing everyone out, we end up piling into Mitchell's parents' Mercedes SUV and end up at the condo his parents live at. He lives with them.

Mitchell is running around, chatting with his friends, and making out with that girl. I was frustrated and upset, and Mitchell's friend was hitting on me. I picked up Mitchell's parents' Bison Frise.

I started petting the dog, in my less drunken state, and then I feel something sharp on my face. I touch my hand to my face and feel blood. Then I realize THE DOG BIT ME IN THE CHEEK!

I start freaking out. Mitchell is too distracted with everything else to pay attention. Other people are running around drunk and upset for various reasons. The guy who was hitting on me helps me clean it up. I'm extremely upset. I'm holding gauze to my cheek after cleaning it up with rubbing alcohol and Neosporin. While attempting to stop my cheek from bleeding, I step outside and start calling anyone in the local area to pick me up and take me to my car back at the bar. While I'm in the middle of doing this, Mitchell's new "girlfriend" steps outside to talk to me.

She starts complaining how she only came here to meet people and is upset with how things are going. I tell her I want to go home. She says Mitchell will take us or she'll drive his car to take me back to mine. She walks back inside the house. I wait outside in the freezing cold wearing nothing but a thin cami and jeans, standing out by the SUV in 25F weather.

She returns outside and says Mitchell is coming to take us back to the car. Then she starts telling me how I need to respect myself more. She was referring to the guy who was hitting on me. She went on to say that he only wants to get in my pants and she would know since she was raped when she was 14. I'm still holding gauze to my bloody cheek. Baffled and beyond annoyed, I turn away from her.

Mitchell finally comes out to take me back to my car. The girl is sitting up front with him, cuddling and holding hands. I'm in the back hoping my bleeding stopped. I'm more than sober by this point and extremely upset.

When I finally get back to my car, I speed off. The next day (or really a few hours later) I go to the doctor and get my cheek looked at. It didn't need sutures but I had to take an antibiotic. I'm still hoping it won't scar.

On a positive note, the next day, on my morning commute to work, the DJS on Hot 99.5, a local pop radio station, on the Kane Show request listeners call-in about a story involving either sex, blood, jail or fame.

I call in with my story. I was only competing against a married couple having sex on the side of the interstate. I won a DVD. So, at least my date was good for something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can relate to that, but it was a she friend who would always bring a different guy with her. I would that her to dinner and she would meet me their with a guy. Plus I was paying.