Saturday, September 20, 2008

DCML Explained - Part 5: Nein to Nazis

You call me or compare me to a Nazi and/or German dictators,
kidding or not

Seems simple enough, right? Why would you call a Jewish female a Nazi and/or compare her to Hitler? It's just wrong and not particularly impressive if you want to get on her good side.

I've ran into some pretty harsh anti-Semites in my day, even some young guy who kept calling me a Nazi as a joke who wanted to date me, but by far the worst was (and yes name changed to protect the asshole) Wallace.

I knew Wallace liked me the day he met me, and I can't say I was particularly drawn to him, but he was my buddy. We hung out almost daily. He was a great guy, or so it seemed.

What happened was after a night out partying, my buddy and I were chilling out and recovering over at Wallace's place. We were a bit stoned out and getting over the drunken feeling, and on Wallace's dirty carpet, he notices a penny. "Hey," he explains gesturing at the penny while looking at me, "pick up that penny you Jew." Bad enough, right? Well it gets worse. I glare at Wallace with my evil eyes and proceed to pinch his skin right under the rib cage, HARD. Wallace winces in pain and gets really quiet.

Later that night I call Wallace's cell phone. I apologize for pinching him hard, expecting he'd apologize for the Jewish comment. He doesn't.

In stead Wallace begins to proclaim me a Nazi, telling me I should know better considering what my people have gone through, raging on that violence is violence, that I may as well be burning Jews in the oven and leading concentration camps, and telling me how comparable I was to Hitler. Wallace goes on for about 5 minutes.

I was utterly stunned. Shocked. I slammed down the phone. The guy who liked me so much, the guy who I hung out with daily, the guy who I had thought was my really good friend just laid down the harshest unethical words I ever heard.

I stopped talking to Wallace that day. I saw him in passing a few times, but from seeing him daily to a dead stop of never talking friendly again was instantaneous. Wallace never attempted to apologize. I heard he left work that night in a highly depressed state.

Wallace then went on to get some girl pregnant, the father of the girl didn't want Wallace seeing the baby, and then when the baby was had Wallace denied it being his.

What a winner. Good luck, Wallace.

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