Friday, May 21, 2010

DCML Explained - Part 15: I WANT You Honey, Even if You Aren't as Sexy as Before.

I think you're so hot, even if you're less sexy now.

Your smooth charms of trying to seduce me include dialogue such as "You're attractive, but you were more so a few years ago when you were thinner."

My "friend" Edward and I went back a few years. We met off of MySpace. Remember those days? He started talking to me before I went to graduate school. We kept up over the years and became friends. We'd talk about our job, roommate and love life problems. We never dated but we hung out on a few occasions and casually chatted once in awhile.

The other day Edward messages me. His love life hasn't been going well. Here's a summarized transcript.

Ed: Hey, we've known each other about four years now, haven't we?
Me (thinking uh-oh): Yeah, that's about right.
Ed: How about I make you dinner soon?
Me: Food is good. I like it when people cook for me.
Ed: So, would you be offended if I suggested we have sex? Would that change things?

Geez... four years of knowing the guy, being friends, talking about life, etc. etc. and then he blatantly propositions me? If it was going to happen, wouldn't it have happened, I don't know, maybe FOUR YEARS ago?

Regardless, I play it cool.

Me: So you're attracted to me, huh?
Ed: Yeah, I always have been. But...
Me: But what?
Ed: You were more attractive a few years ago when you were thinner.
Me: What the f###??????
Ed: I still think you're attractive though.

Okay, no wonder why you're having bad luck in the love department, mister. Your seduction tactics are nothing short of a Fail blog entry. Seriously, trying to bed a girl then tell her she's not as hot as she used to be?

Me (regaining my cool): Listen, this conversation is over. You're an ass.
Ed: I'm sorry! I was just being honest.

SERIOUSLY??? Wow, what a winner. What a way to dig yourself out of that hole, buddy. I pretty much stopped talking to him at that point. Who knows, maybe I will try to re-address my friendship at some point, but not anytime soon.

Oh yeah, to think about it in the past, he has commented before if I gained weight. I didn't realize I can't be human.

Ed's type of girl

Saturday, December 19, 2009

DCML Explained - Part 14: Just Say No... Then Repat 3x and Call Me in the Morning

You don't want me at all? Well, I'm going to ignore that and pursue your ass anyway.

"No means no!" Doesn't it? Not according to Sam. Maybe it's because he's European. Maybe it's male stubbornness. Maybe it's the fact men don't want to admit defeat, especially by women.

I met Sam through a dating site. Admittingly, when you meet someone from a dating site, you usually consider the event you go on with that person to be a date. Right? Well, what if you invite the person to attend a Zombie Walk *braaaaains* with your friends? Is that a date? Maybe.

When I was browsing through Sam's pictures on the dating website, I noticed that one of them was a Zombie Walk. Well, I never attended a zombie walk before but had planned on it along with my few friends. I'm a fairly social creature, so I invited Sam to join us.

Sam met with me and my friend Pete at my apartment. We all got ready together. Squirting blood (fake, of course) on each other, and did a killer (ha, ha) job of makeup.

Sam stuck by my side most of the evening, which is what one would expect, and tried to bump against my knee and touch my arm during the movie we saw that night, Zombieland!!! But I was a bit anxious and setback, and also still recovering from my breakup.

I don't like being the type of girl who leads guys on and leaves them hanging. I hate it when people do that to me so I don't return the favor. So, since I wasn't ready for Sam, I contacted him.

Me: Hey, I want to be honest. I can really only be friends with you at this point. I can't give you a relationship. I'm not ready. We're not going to have sex. The only thing I can offer you is a friendship.

Now you would think by hearing that the guy would say, yes, okay, thanks for telling me, or something along those lines. Not Sam. Sam doesn't give up.

Sam: Well, I will still talk to you but I am interested in a romantic and physical relationship.

Okay, Sam, did you not hear what I just said? Let me try again.

Me: No, seriously. I can't give you any of that. It won't happen. I guarantee it. It's best not to have any expectations about me.

Sam: I don't have expectations. But I still am interested to have a romantic or physical relationship with you.

By this point I didn't know what to say. I laid it out clear. I told him I'm not interested. I was honest.

See, this is why we run and hide and avoid, avoid, and avoid. Some people just can't take no for an answer.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

DCML Explained - Part 13: You Made Me Do It!

Trust me. I'm doing you a favor by breaking your things.

You break my stuff and blame me for your accident

I'm well aware that accidents happen. We slip-up. We say hurtful things. We crash our cars. We crash our parents' cars. We crash our boss's car. Okay, you get the point. But yes, accidents happen, including expensive ones. However, it almost comes down to how we deal with the accident, more than the accident itself. As you may assume, the following story about our main character, Wilson, pertains to how tactfully he handled himself well post-mishap.

Wilson and I met at a dance event. We had a good time. He taught me a few moves. We connected by talking about our similar interest in music. We planned to meet-up, but Wilson being the flake that he is, bailed on me that day to help his friend.

I tried to get in touch with Wilson a few times. It was very nonchalant and he didn't respond too much. So I let it slide. Then, I go to another dance event, and I see Wilson there. We reconnected. He wanted to see me in a few days. He tried to make plans after the dance but I felt a bit under the weather so I didn't come through.

During the dance I was with one of my friends and requested Wilson take my picture with my camera. Granted, this is a point-and-shoot camera, but it still falls short under $300. This is a lot of money when your rent is ridiculously high (yeaaah DC!). I handed the camera over to Wilson and to my dismay, the camera slipped from Wilson's hands and it dropped on the hard floor. I didn't think too much of it as he quickly picked up the camera, brushed it off, then took my picture. Before I left Wilson flirtatiously suggested to me he'd kiss me if I wasn't under the weather. I grinned and left the scene.

Later that night I downloaded the pictures to my PC and noticed the ones Wilson took were blurry. I cleaned the lens of the camera, but this didn't solve the problem. I played with the zoom to realize that the lens was broken. I texted Wilson about the incident and he didn't respond. I filled out the repair paperwork online and shipped the camera out the following day.

The next day I text Wilson again. This time I casually say "what's up?" He responds back that he had fun the previous night. I text him back asking if he received my texts about the camera. He then calls me.

Wilson went off saying it was not his fault and he was only doing me a favor by taking the picture, so essentially it was my responsibility. Yes, I appreciate the favor, but he still broke my camera. He went off getting defensive and rude and hesitant. I told him it was broken and it was a $300 camera. He didn't have much to say. I said maybe the warranty will cover it. He was like yes, look into that. We then hung up.

I didn't enjoy his hostility. He didn't even offer paying for shipping costs or even a partial repair. He didn't offer anything. He essentially blamed me since I was the one who handed him the camera.

I texted him back saying I would appreciate if he would help with the costs of repair. Wilson tried calling back. I didn't answer. He tried again. I didn't answer. He then deleted me as his Facebook friend.

At least I learned from Wilson that you really get to know a character by how he responds after he breaks your s#@$!

Monday, September 29, 2008

DCML Explained - Part 12: Here Kitty, Kitty... No?

Meow. Purr. Yay. Kittens are cute. Cats are fun. But boy, am I allergic to them.

You must live with cats

This seems self-explanatory. Why live with an animal if you're allergic to it? The story does get a bit deeper than that, however. Martin and I dated approximately 5 months. He lived in his own apartment approximately 5 minutes driving distance from mine. We both lived alone and we were both graduate students at the time. Therefore, we were busy people.

Given our love for animals we both had pets. I had 2 chinchillas, 1 rabbit, 1 hedgehog, 2 turtle doves and a partridge an a pear tree. Alright, spare the birds and the tree, but the other four apply. Martin had an obese cat and then acquired a cute smaller kitten. Martin did know I was allergic to cats before he acquired another, but my intentions were not to discourage them.

Approximately two months into the relationship Martin felt that his cat situation was quite an inconvenience to our relationship. I couldn't spend a prolonged period of time over his apartment due to my allergies and he hated being away from his cats. As a compromise he decided to close the bedroom off from the cats, but then that didn't last long. His apartment was approximately 900 square feet and he felt it was a punishment to the cats not to allow them to sleep with him when he was over there.

As a result, Martin had to come over to my place more often. He despised this resolution too as it meant he couldn't spend quality kitty time. Martin tried to get me on prescription medications in addition to my regular allergy medication, as well as get my allergy tested. I did do the blood test but put my foot down when it came to the test involving being stuck with tons of needles.

Martin then announced he was having allergic reactions to my animals. He said he had breathing difficult at my place despite me having $500+ air purifiers throughout my small abode. Martin had an allergy test as well to reveal he was allergic to.... yes... cats, and only cats.

In summary the feline situation really caused a barrier in our relationship. It was not ultimately the reason of our separation, but certainly contributed to anxiety and stress on top of what we already shared. By the time we separated we had enough of each other.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

DCML Explained - Part 11: Um, I'm Not Ready Yet

I'm not ready to meet you yet. Maybe in a few weeks I'll be more comfortable to get together f2f.

You don't want to meet up until after some
extended period of time chatting online

Since you are reading this, that probably means you may have some level of interest in online dating. If you've been in the cyber-love world for more than just a week or two, you've probably ran into this personality type. Although it may be more common in women than men, it does exist in both genders. There is this online personality that wants to wait weeks to months before they're willing to get together face-to-face (f2f).

I met Donald on another free dating site and I had our really fascinating first conversation. We threw around intelligent facts, jokes, and all those other great things that make you glued to your computer communicating via text. We probably chatted for a few hours. It felt nice.

Following that conversation, our continued rapport grew very monosyllabic. Donald would IM me with a few words here or there. I'd attempt to engage in conversation but constantly hit brick walls. Perhaps his interest level in me highly waned.

I asked Donald on a few occasions if he ever wanted to meet up with me. He confirmed that he did. I tried to get availability of his schedule. He wasn't too open. Eventually I asked him what the deal was.

Donald told me he wasn't comfortable meeting me yet. I asked why. He said he took awhile to open up to people. I commented that we don't even really talk anymore. He repeated that he wasn't comfortable yet. I said what does opening up to someone have to do with meeting them face to face? Isn't it more common for people to reveal more lounging around in their underwear with the comfort of the computer masking their identity?

I laid it out straight. I wasn't comfortable having a chat buddy. Typically I understand when people are too busy to meet up, but building a comfort level first online? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I find this to often be misleading. I encouraged him to contact me when he's ready to hangout and we left it at that.

Think about this. You're at a bar. A hot girl/guy comes over to you. You have some drinks and make some small chat. You exchange numbers. You might even dance a bit if you're tipsy and/or the dance floor is booming. Now, unless you're backing that thang up, I'd say your interaction isn't very open and intimate either.

All in all, as long as you're meeting in a public place during daylight hours, what's the harm in meeting up after chatting for a limited time? Maybe it's my personality but I rather be out and about than building up a relationship through da interwebs.

I mean, if you're gonna get molested by someone, are they really going to tell you that in the IM?

DCML Explained - Part 10: What's the smell?

What is that stench?

You don't participate in daily hygiene rituals (i.e. shower)

Perhaps it's an American thing. Perhaps it's a luxury thing. Perhaps it's an unrealistic expectation. Perhaps, and just perhaps, I don't like to climb into bed dirty.

Daily showers are practically a necessity for me. There are few occasions where I can't force myself to climb into the shower at some point in a 24-hour interval. However, I find that this is not the case for everyone.

I dated Jerry for almost half a year and he opened my eyes to a new unexpected lifestyle. Jerry didn't shower often. Maybe he showered 2 or 3 times a week. I realized this one day where he came over to visit me. He had an odor. I smelled him with a disgruntled look upon my face. I really should have recognized it when I noticed the dander the first time we hung out alone. "Did you shower today?" I asked him. He looked at my shyly and responded that he did not. Then Jerry became defensive and told me about his lifestyle. Daily showers are not part of his routine.

Well perhaps Jerry had a good excuse. He was straightedge and into the hardcore scene. If you ever been to a hardcore club, like the Black Cat in DC, you'll notice there are definite whiffs of body odor passing by. Anyway, his main excuse was that he just didn't have time to shower daily.

That was a new one to me. How could you not go out of your way to shower? Unfortunately this aspect made me a bit paranoid and frequently, and quite possibly obnoxiously, I questioned if he showered.

Jerry and I made a pact that he would shower if he saw me that day, which came true most of the time. I noticed over time his dander problem dropped off as he showered more, but the boy was just not naturally motivated to rinse off daily. His brother is similar so perhaps this philosophy runs in the family.

Anyway, there are enough things to be annoyed about in a relationship. Maybe I'm high-maintenance, but I don't think I should be deemed unrealistic if I want my partner to be clean on a daily basis. Who doesn't like to climb into bed smelling good?

DCML Explained - Part 9: Just a sec, I'm TXTing

Oh darling, sweet sweet Jacob, this is truly a great date! I wish you'd hold my hand. But alas, your fingers seem to be attached to your number pad on the cellphone.

You text or talk to people on the phone at least half the time we're out

Naturally one would thing it's polite when going on a date to put your phone on vibrate, silent, or even power it off. Unfortunately my date, Jacob (yes, his name is changed) didn't think so.

His excuse was that he provides for his family... his 8 or so other brothers and sisters, and helps out his parents. Anyone of them could be contacting him for an emergency, an emergency every other minute. I'd hate to live in a household with a crisis that frequently. Something can't be right there.

However, yes, because when there is a 9-1-1 call, I don't call up the operator. I text. It's probably something like this

"Hey, mrder in my house. Can u help plz? Call mom. Thnx. Ttys BBL"

Come to think of it, if you did have a murderer in your house it might be "safer" to text 9-1-1 than to call. Yes, apparently it is already an option in play (thanks niehjd).

But back to the story, so this guy I'm out on a date with keeps texting people non-stop. Granted, I'll text, too. But not every other minute! I don't think Jacob even noticed that I had stopped talking and just starred of into the distance after awhile.

To me, this is just straightforward rudeness.

So gents, ladies, a combo of both... respect your potential love interest and silence your phone or at least provide an emergency number so those people who text you to help with the creepy murderer in their house will get immediate assistance.

Yes, however, I am aware of the chance Jacob was entirely bored of me and just texting away until the date is over. I almost rather him leave out of the bathroom window, if that was the case.

But then in today's growing technology, Superman doesn't need a signal in the sky. A simple text message would do.